Keeping the Light Switch On?

MAXREZ BLOG   •   STEVEN J. GILBERT   •   June 30, 2019

Have you ever suffered creative burnout? I have! Being creative is not always easy. And turning the light switch on and cranking out creative work or ideas all day, every day, may just seem impossible at times. Everything may just look blah! And on top of that there are deadlines looming.

You can get physically tired from the energy it takes to be creative. If you’re a creative, you understand this. But, if you’re not, it’s hard to comprehend. How can something that takes little physical exertion make you tired? You have to have been there to done that! And if your boss hasn’t been there, you may not get the empathy you think you deserve. It’s time to recover your creative juices from the drain and give yourself an injection.

How to Re-energize Your Creativity

It may be as simple as taking a walk or a break from the screen time that you’re probably getting. Being creative can be like a winning streak at the casino. You don’t know when you’re in the middle of a streak and you don’t know when it’s going to end. But, it will end! What you do when it does is what matters. Waving a magic wand sounds like an easy fix, but it’s not the solution. Just closing your eyes and taking a deep breath may be, however. Checking out mentally and looking the other way may be a good distraction too. You have to decide what gets your mind off of what’s blocking you and TAKE A BREAK! Planned breaks are a must to get re-energized on a daily basis. Once you’ve taken a break away from the creative work you’re doing, ease back in. Look at previous work you’ve done for inspiration. Also, look at other’s work and think what’s good, what’s not, and what you would do differently. Ultimately, think of what works for you and help others understand what’s going on. It’s like doing a make-over, but on yourself. You have to figure it out what works to keep the light switch on in order to survive… and the sooner the better!